
Homemade and Fair Trade Goods Links

I love handmade products. I always prefer shopping through a person rather than a huge store. Most people are very aware of Etsy but there are a couple other places I check to look for the handmade things I like to get, from jewelry to soaps to cards.

Zibbet - A community of artisans with unique and wonderful shops

Buy Handmade - Allows people to post a link to their handmade goods website

Art Fire - Artisans around the world craft these fine works of art

For more, click this link to a list of other venues for buying and selling crafts and homemade goods.

Also, I love organic and free trade - nothing is better than from the earth and from well-treated hands. Don't know much about fair trade? See this link. And then this one. And here are FT myths! There are a lot of places to buy fair trade!

Fair Indigo - Stylish and organic clothes for men, women, and children

Anyway, happy shopping and have a great weekend!

Amanda & Cubs

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the links, I hadn't heard of a few of these before!
