
Avoid Fisher-Price and Other Recalls! Live Simply and Shop Smarter!

With all of these new recalls of baby products, it is to my complete relief that we live as simply as possible.

First, we save money by not buying every product out there. Babies grow up so fast that once you haul that truckload of baby things home, you are out there getting rid of them again when they start school, or sooner. I can name everything I own for my children because it is not that much.

Second, when we buy, we look at a baby product's moving and small parts and keep in mind that even if it's for our older child, what our younger one can do to it. Anything that moves, say the wheels of a toy car for our son, can come off and become a choking hazard for our daughter. Don't just buy it, but really look at it; if you can imagine something becoming detached, it might not be worthy of buying. We have a baby gym mat from which I removed one hanging duck because it's tail looked a tad too loose. Examine, imagine the worse, and don't let a company decide what it safe for your baby.

Lastly, when we get e-mails about all the recalls, we do not have to get rid of anything - we don't have it or I've already deemed it unsafe and stopped using it. I got second-hand an infant carrier and after obsessing whether or not my daughter had suffocated every two seconds, decided it was better not to use it. Now it has been recalled for that same reason.

So please parents, live more simply, shop smarter and when recall lists are released, breathe easier!

Amanda and Cubs

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